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The human body requires numerous vitamins and minerals in certain amounts daily to function properly, this certain daily amount has been determined by the USDA and is called the recommended daily allowance. This is a close estimate for the average person and may differ slightly for certain individuals.
Each vitamin has a function like vitamin A helps with your vision, builds your immune system, and helps with the reproduction and growth of your body.
Vitamin E is simular to A because both are fat soluble, while E functions as a antioxcident. Vitamin C serves numerous purposes also, it is a cofactor with the repair and formation of collagen which is a connective tissue that holds the body's cells and tissues together.
Some people may only be deficient in one vitamin while others may need to supplement more then one, I would recommond a good multivitamin that comes close to or meets all the recommended daily allowances. This way you can be sure your getting what you need, one a day makes one and there are some good ones out there.
Then there are minerals that the body requires also, like iron, zinc, calcium, sodium in certain amounts also included in the recommended daily allowance.
What is Protein, protein is made up of 22 types of amino acids which are the building blocks of muscle, tissues, and organs.
There are different types of protein and they are found in chicken, meat, fish, and eggs. Protein is the most commonly used supplement and comes in many forms from powders, to bars, to drinks. There is casein, whey, egg, and soy. Thest commomly used are casein and whey, both are made from milk. Whey is fast digesting while casein digests much slower, then you have egg protein which is also very effective. Soy protein comes from soy beans, it is not as effective as the others however its still a good protein source.
Which supplement you take depends on what you are defecient in, or what your fitness requirements are.
In order to get the most from your training these are a MUST:
1. Proper Diet
2. Sufficient Rest
3. Do NOT Overtrain
4. Proper Supplements
If you think that not adding supplements to your diet is not important then you are 100% wrong. Even though you may be eating a healthy diet, no matter what you eat or how much you eat you can not get all the nourishment you need from food alone! You can still make gains without Bodybuilding Supplements BUT with the supplements you are nourishing your muscles to the max enabling 100% muscle building gains.
Below see our bodybuilding supplements that really work: